"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Saturday, January 29, 2011

36 - Get Your Greek On

We are heavenly Grecian beings.  :)  (Aka the female part of the Semele chorus... and yes, we are bomb.)  The show has been fantastic so far!  I sing my role again tomorrow afternoon and I'm so excited!


Friday, January 28, 2011

35 - Juno and Iris

"Opening night" of Semele for my cast!  This is me (Iris) and my scene partner Juno (Allison).  We have had a lot of fun with our parts of this show.  :)  It's my first opera and I'm loving it so much!


34 - A Little Late

So this post is a little late, but this picture is from about 8:45 this morning...  :)
(My tardiness is due to having a really deep conversation with four other friends in the UC until 12:15.  Yay college!)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

33 - Evan

He's kind of our wing mascot... :)


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

32 - Essay 2

Late night essay-working session in the UC.  It's coming along okay.  Meh.  Luckily, there is a fairly cute guy at a table across the way who I keep making eye contact with on occasion.  :)  Thank you, optimistic outlook.


Monday, January 24, 2011

31 - Kelsey!

Say hello to Kelsey!  She was my roommate's roommate last year and she is a blast of fun, bubbly laughter whenever she comes to visit us weirdos.  :)


Sunday, January 23, 2011

30 - Things at My Bedside

Working hard on homework (hence, the writing utensils).  Also, I feel a cold coming on... sore throat for the latter part of the day... NOT GOOD as our opera opens this Thursday!!  Ack!  Vitamins, OJ, sleep (haha yeah right), and Ricolas, here I come!  Good thing I stocked up over Christmas break.


29 - Laundry Day

Yay for clean sheets!


Friday, January 21, 2011

28 - TGIF

Why is a raven like a writing desk?
(J-Term is almost over - thank goodness because I'm going a little crazy...)


Thursday, January 20, 2011

27 - Wall of Flame

We have some new additions, including Jim Parsons, David Borneaz, Hugh Jackman, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  :)  Yummy!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

26 - Sunshine!

Such a nice day to celebrate being done with my philosophy essay!  :)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

25 - Opera Rehearsal

No time to be creative today... still working on a philosophy essay that I hope to submit in about 8 hours....
This is what opera rehearsal is like sometimes.  :P


Monday, January 17, 2011

24 - HERmonic!

I'm official now (aka, I've got the outfit :P)!!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

23 - Lest I Forget

"...all of Your goodness, the blood you have shed, the cross I now remember, lest I forget."
~ Lest I Forget, Rebecca St. James


Saturday, January 15, 2011

22 - Realizations

Realized today that I am really over high school.  I still keep in touch [or try to] with some close friends from there... but everything and everyone else?  Goodbye and good riddance.


Friday, January 14, 2011

21 - Three full weeks!

:D  I am proud of myself!  For a girl who has never been able to keep a journal for more than a few weeks in a row, I'm doing quite well with all of this.

Here are today's pictures:

Yes, of course I was paying attention in Philosophy today... I was totally writing about the current topic of discussion at the time... Just maybe not what Professor Cooper was saying....


Thursday, January 13, 2011

20 - Laundry Day

It's laundry day -er- night... :) 
We found a time warp in the dryers...


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

19 - H2O

This is the waterbottle that I was given for Christmas by good friends of mine.  This little guy in particular is the reason I have been drinking so much water since I got back to school.  :)  How can I resist?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

17 - This is...

... not an advertisement for CLIF Bars...

This is what helps keep me alive in my Philosophy class.  Except I like the White Choclate Macadamia ones best, but the market was out of those.

Hmmm, I have a feeling about what most of my January posts are going to be about... haha.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

16 - Blue

A piece of blue sky in January in the Pacific Northwest... a sight indeed.  :)

I enjoyed taking this picture today, as it was one of my few breaks I took from doing work.  Woke up earlier than most of my wing and went to brunch alone to do a little studying.  From there, I headed to a practice room to prep for opera rehearsal tomorrow.  After that, it was off to the library for a 2 hour Philosophy session.  Then - a nap break!  Woot!  Following a wonderful snooze-session, 2 hours of simultaneous front desk sitting and Philosophy studying.... dinner and a break combined.... then a final 2 hours of Philosophy with a friend from the class. 

Long, long, but productive, day.  I think I understand more of my Philosophy class than I don't understand, so I've reached a good point.
Or have I learned anything?  What is knowledge?  Why is it valuable?  How do you know that you know something when your truth is possibly false because it's based on your own perceptions, which you can't be sure of because you're the only one who senses the world like you do (or so you think)? 
Welcome to Philosophy, suckas.


P.S.  Another philosophical pondering (that is totally in some of our readings):  What if you're just dreaming and I'm your projection (INCEPTION, anyone)?  :)  Sweet dreams!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

15 - Game Day!

This is where my allegiance lies.  :)


Friday, January 7, 2011

14 - This is me

getting my homework done at the front desk... uh-huh.  :P


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

12 - Being a Music Major means...

... spending a lot of time in practice rooms.  :)  Spent about an hour today working on opera music.  I am in PLU's production of Semele as the character Iris and a soprano in the chorus (the roles are double-cast).


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11 - Can't Go Anywhere Without...

my iPod.  :)

The newest music I bought today just happens to belong to a good friend of mine.  She just recently started learning her instruments (ukulele, guitar, and voice :D) and posted some EPs online... and they sound sooo amazing.  She reminds me a lot of a mix of Regina Spektor (and sounds a lot like her, too) and Ingrid Michaelson.  :) 
Here's a link to her blog where you can listen to the songs:  Claire Salcedo


Monday, January 3, 2011

10 - J-Term

Snowy/frozen Red Square at PLU...

3 of my books for my Philosophy class...

And so J-Term begins!

9 - The Other Home

January 2nd - Back to school!  It's become more of a home away from home though.  :)  Glad to be back and looking forward to J-Term and Spring Semester!

8 - Bowling

January 1st, 2011 - My last day at Steph's and we went bowling.  I started off 2011 with a terrible bowling score, but lots of smiles and laughter.  I'd call that a good start.
(And, yes, I realize these are extremely blurry, but I think they're kind of cool looking. :P)

7 - New Years Eve

December 31st - At Steph's house for New Years.  We threw a party so I could meet all of her friends... they're pretty darn cool.  :P  This was a few minutes before midnight.


I'm several days behind, technically, but I did take pictures every day... I just didn't have a chance to upload them until now.  Today's post will occur later today... :P

Thursday, December 30th - A beautiful sunrise backlights Mt. Rainier through a dirty train window.

It was early in the morning, and I was on my way to visit my roommate, Stephanie, at her home in southern WA for New Years.  :)