"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Saturday, April 30, 2011

126 - Relay

I had a wonderful opportunity to be involved in PLU's Relay for Life this year.  I was on a team last year, but ended up not being able to go to the event for some reason... but I was there this year!  It was a lot of fun so here are a lot of pictures to remember it by (and as my apology for posting late...)
Steph and Lauren walking the Team lap, I believe.  Lauren is a good friend of ours and lives in our wing, is in choir with us, and is a vocal performance major.  She is a cancer survivor and I am so thankful for that.  I don't know what I would do without this strong, beautiful friend in my life.  :)

Melissa and Jo - the other part of our team!  They stuck out the night in tents on the track - bless their hearts!  Even though it apparently rained like the dickens for a few hours in the early morning and soaked Jo's tent... *sad panda*.  Furthermore, Jo was an excellent team captain.

Other teams getting set up on the field... the clouds were amazing - you can see the rain that miraculously wasn't falling on us!

John came to visit our team area!  Yay!  Pictures ensued...

Pictures of the picture-takers.  Nice, Jo.  :)

Then it was nighttime and it got very very cold.  Steph's hands were freezing, so Melissa and Lauren simultaneously warmed them and prayed... haha.  The warming part was intentional, anyway. 

Yay team!  Being cold together!  haha.

Lauren, myself, and Steph walking together.  I think it might have been for a certain lap, but I don't remember what it was...  All I know is that it was after HERmonic and PLUtonic performed, which was a lot of fun.  :)

Good morning Brendan!  Steph, Lauren, and I spent our night (1am to 9am) back in Hinderlie, but Brendan came to walk for our team at 2 in the morning.  We were happy to see him when we got down there at 10:30.  Unfortuantely, Jo did something to her foot earlier in the morning - it's still a mystery, but we're hoping she's okay!  They certainly looked cozy.  :)

Team picture with our sign!  Woot! 

Team Wonder Wo(MEN)!

All in all, it was a great experience and I am looking forward to next year.  We're hoping to put together a Choir of the West team - COWS Against Cancer!  haha.  (Title credit to Melissa on that one.)

Love, Harmony, & MORE BIRTHDAYS,

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