"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Dear Readers (however many of you there may or may not be...),

As you might already have guessed, my 365 project has rather quickly degenerated... it is a lot easier to keep up with when I am at a computer constantly - like at school!  I faithfully took pictures for the rest of June and July, but fell down a slippery slope in the last week or so with missing days completely.  This culminated in completely forgetting my camera for our trip to Ocean Shores this weekend!  :(  I used my sister's camera for a few shots on Saturday at the beach... that is, until her camera got dropped in the sand and now refuses to function properly (it's cheap and old, so perhaps a blessing in disguise).  As for the daily posting, well that died a sorry death with the trip to Europe.  *le sigh*
The whole point of my project (for me, at least) was to get me taking more pictures to document my time in school and to get me blogging at a fairly regular pace, which I would say has been mildly to rather successful, depending on the month.  :) 
I will still be posting and taking photos, and sometimes posting photos!  *gasp*  I will try to start another 365 sometime in the future, as I think it is a great project.  As to when this might be, I cannot say... but it will happen! 

Anyway, Ocean Shores!  It was a super fun 48-hour or so escape from the suburbs to the beach for the weekend.  Over the approximately 2 - 2.5 days, I saw a combined total of 8 deer!  That was the most unexpected thing.  Other than that, it was surf, sand, and a very sandy dog.  :)  Apparently my sister erased her memory card, so I will post pics from hers and my dad's cameras at a later edit. 

But yes!  Just so you know what I've been doing and that I'm not dead!  :)
I'll be back! (Read that with an Austrian accent... ;P)


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