"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Life Post Graduation

Life is currently small.

Not narrow - never narrow when I've got books to read, movies to watch, songs to sing, internet to get lost in.

But certainly small.  Covering apples in maggot barriers (it's an "organic gardening" thing...), walking the dog, feeding the dog, playing with the dog, telling the dog to be quiet, sleeping, reading, reluctantly calling work (start on Monday, yikes!), band practice (yay!), working on music, noticing if it's not raining.  This is what life is made of right now.

Some days it's wonderful.  Sometimes I have to fight a slight tinge of resentment or boredom.  I'm just so used to being busy, being surrounded by people - friends - who are doing things.  For as intimidating as this whole moving to San Francisco thing is, I'm really grateful it's going to happen.  I was under the impression that I could handle a year at home... not sure about that now.

Don't get me wrong.  Home is wonderful and there's nothing wrong with life having times of smallness.  But it's helping me realize that I am still looking for my life and what's out there.  It's reminding me that there are bigger plans for me - the whole reason I started on that 4-year degree in the first place.  :)

For now, I get to sleep, help around the house, spend time with my family, and have a second to breathe and reflect.  Like I said, there's nothing the matter with small.


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