"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Thursday, July 12, 2012

30 Days - Day 11 & 12

...oops.  :P

Day 11 — Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
When I wear the right shirt, or have my makeup a certain way, I get a lot of compliments on my eyes.  They're blue - usually a greenish-blue, sometimes more grey.  But when they're really bright, they get a lot of attention.  :)  I also get "your hair is soooo soft!" a lot.  haha.

Day 12 — Something you never get compliments on.

Hmm.  I guess I would say my work ethic?  I'm a fairly light-hearted, goofy person with my friends, but I take my work (whether for school or a job or whatever) pretty seriously.  I like to do a quality job with my projects, because the end result is a reflection on me - it's important!  My grades and whatnot do show recognition of it in a way, but people don't really say, "Wow, you work really hard!  Good job!" Not that I need to hear it, though.  It's more of an inward thing.  :)


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