"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Sunday, July 15, 2012

30 Days - Day 14 and 15

Day 14 — A hero that has let you down (letter).

Dear Hero,
I can't say I've met you yet -- because none of my "heroes" have ever let me down terribly.  No one comes to mind.  So it must be you.  All I can say is, I forgive you.  If I trust in you enough to put hope and faith into your part in my life, then it is in my heart of hearts to tell you that whatever it was is not as important as you knowing I still care about you as a friend, family member, lover, whatever you are to me.  I forgive you and I love you.

Day 15 — Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

This is another one that's kind of a stumper for me.  I'm not really dependent on anything like coffee... I love tea, but it's not a daily thing for me.  I love my phone, but it's not necessary (weeks in the woods have proven that).  Not having a car would be pretty difficult, but I think I could manage.  I've never tried living without music and I don't think I could -- I'd just start singing songs to myself.  Maybe church?  I haven't purposely tried living without it, but I sometimes go for long stretches in between attending mass during the school year and that gets my spirit down after a while.  But I don't even know if I can count that as an answer... and that's my answer, I guess.  :P


Had a really great weekend after a long, long, long first week of work back at KCDA.  I'm grateful for the job, and some of the people there are pretty fun, but it's SO hard to motivate myself to get up so darn early every single day.  Luckily, God gave us a day of rest, and we extended it to two.  :P  Saturday was spent on Mt. Rainier with the family and my sister's good friend.  Lots of beautiful photos!  And that evening I spent some quality time with my best friend hanging out at her house. 
Today I did a little shopping (got a skirt I've really been wanting... that's it for my personal spending until the paychecks start coming in!) and had a great time singing at church this evening.  The music was really on fire tonight... if I do say so myself.  haha. 
Now it's back to the grind.  Just 26 more days of work, 5 more weeks (Mon-Fri plus one extra Monday) total, 4 more weeks til the PLU opera workshop, and 7 days til I'm 21!!!  But who's counting?  haha.


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