"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Making mistakes is the worst.  Especially when they affect people you care about.  And until you know how they'll react when you tell them (which can always be delayed when expressed via technology), it weighs on you like a big ball and chain of guilt and worry that they're going to be mad at you.  Then your over-thinking mind turns their possible anger into some sort of unforgivable hatred towards you for ruining everything.

Nothing's ruined and my friends are completely reasonable and rational people.  It's a situation that requires rationality.  It's going to be fine.  But as much as I try to tell myself that, until I hear back my mind is going to worry.  Worry worry worry.  Ugh.

Does this happen to other people??


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