"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Thing I Like 1

I'm thinking "Things I Like" will be a recurring post.  Woohoo!

This week:  Tara Stiles' Yoga Videos

I've been sticking to my New Year's yoga resolution!  So far (well since getting back to school), I've been morning yoga-ing it up three times a week.  It makes for a centering start to the day.  Depending on how fast I'm moving in the morning, I pick a 5-10 minute video, roll out my mat, and get going.  It's nice because I've learned enough about yoga to be able to function on my own but I still need guidance in terms of a routine.  Of course, it's not the same as going to a class, but it's definitely cheaper and I can pick my focus for the day (strength, flexibility, energy, etc.)

Tara's channel has a large variety of videos, ranging from small 3-4 minute clips to entire 50 minute work outs.  I have yet to do one of those, but I'm looking forward to trying once I settle into my new place.  Her pace is steady, but not too slow and she always gives a range of options for making poses more challenging (as most good yoga teachers do, in my experience).  If you're A) Reading this and B) Looking for a Youtube yoga channel, I recommend Tara Stiles!  And thanks to my BFF Haley for the original recommendation.


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