"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Monday, February 3, 2014

For Friday

I'm behind because of moving this weekend -- Friday night was literally just packing things up and trying not to panic about not feeling done.  I guess I was pretty successful because Saturday morning was a cinch.

Not sure why I feel the need to explain myself or be apologetic about missing posts.  That's the beauty of posting things to the internet; the off-chance that someone, somewhere is expecting to read this gives the illusion of accountability.  I think I also feel some sense of obligation to my past-self and resolutions list.  Is that a form of guilt?  Letting myself down via past expectations of success?  Aka disappointment, I suppose.  At least this is a mild case.  :)

Important Friday 1-31 Things:
- Signed the lease for the place with James!!!
- Walking really fast in not-great shoes led to a weird, large bit of rubbed-loose skin on my heel... wahh it kind of hurts.  Not sure what to do about it.
- Day off from teaching voice lessons.
- Attempted to watch Sherlock while packing - couldn't focus and had to turn it off.  :/
- Yep, that's it.


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