"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

4 - Bach

A page from Bach's Mass in B-minor, which my choir is learning for a concert in Spring semester.  :)  I listened/sang along to about half of the learning CD today.  It's some really gorgeous music and I'm excited to learn it.

In other news - I'm writing some fiction again!  I've been inspired into the writing mood by the album "Lungs" by Florence + The Machine (which is what is currently being played the most on my ipod).  It's a pretty exciting thing for me to have both the time and inspiration to get some of the stories in my head down.

There was another fairly significant occurrence today, but it will probably be the subject of tomorrow's picture, so I'm going to leave you hanging!  haha!


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