"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Sunday, July 1, 2012

30 Days - Day 1

Day 1 - Something you hate about yourself.

Ouch, harsh way to start this whole thing off. 
If I was writing this several years ago, there would probably be plenty of things for me to list off about myself, especially about my body.  My self confidence in my teen years was [inwardly] shaky at best, as with most people, I'm sure.  Luckily, time, friends, faith, and love have helped change that.  I still struggle sometimes, but there is honestly nothing I hate about myself, physically or otherwise. 

I admit that there are things I still dislike -- for example, I wish I could be less conscious of my shape sometimes, which is certainly on the chubby side of curvy.  On the emotional side, I have a tendency to overthink the meaning behind the words/actions of others (I think a lot of us do this, though) which causes me more anxiety than anything else... lessons in learning to let things go and move on.
But, overall, there isn't anything I can say I hate about myself.  My years in high school and college have taught me to accept who I am, learn from myself and my successes/mistakes, and grow into someone better in the days and years to come.  I certainly have a long way to go and life to experience, but I'm lucky in that regard!


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