"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagnination, and life to everything." ~ Plato

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

30 Days - Day 4

Day 04 — Something you have to forgive someone for.

Whoops - a little late on the ball with this post today.  At least it's still the 4th!

I thought I would have an immediate answer for this post, in terms of having someone I haven't truly forgiven for something.  But after reflecting on even the strongest hurts I've recieved from people throughout my life, I don't feel some sort of gaping hole in my heart where I have yet to forgive them. 
My problem lies in the "forgetting" part of the whole thing.  I don't hold grudges in the sense that I will hate someone for the rest of my life -- I can forgive them and move past the issue with time.  However, I will probably always remember what they did, which leads to a whole trust issue. 
I've heard it argued that you haven't really forgiven someone until you forget as well.  I don't mean to hold onto those negative memories in order to have something bitter to recall, though.  I think I use them more for myself, as a way to remember how I felt when someone treated me a certain way and to help me not become a bad guy in similar situations.  Does that make any sense?


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